Book an Appointment
Duration: {{duration}}
{{varSelectedSlotDate.value.formatDate('MMM dd, yyyy')}}
{{varSelectedSlotDate.value.formatDate('MMM dd, yyyy')}}
{{[0].apptDate.formatDate('dddd')}} |
{{[0].duration}} min
{{[0].startTime.addMinutes(-varTimeDiff.value).formatDate('hh:mm A')}} -
{{[0].startTime.addMinutes(-varTimeDiff.value).addMinutes([0].duration).formatDate('hh:mm A')}}
Confirm Appointment
Please check all the information below and confirm if everything is correct.
Appointment Request Sent!
We have recieved your appointment request. We will let you know when the
office confirms this visit.
Please find details below
Appointment Has Been Booked
Your appointment request has been received, and your appointment is confirmed.
Please find details below
{{[0].apptDate.formatDate('dd MMM yyyy')}}
{{[0].apptDate.formatDate('dddd')}} {{[0].startTime.addMinutes(-varTimeDiff.value).formatDate('hh:mm a')}}
{{[0].address}}, {{[0].city}}
{{[0].duration}} minutes
{{[0].price.formatCurrency([0].currency+' ', '.', ',', 0)}}
Appointment pending confirmation
We have recieved your appointment request
We will let you know when the office confirms this visit.
Appointment is booked
Your appointment request has been received, and your appointment is confirmed.
See details below.
Appointment Rejected
Sorry, Your appointment has been rejected!
Appointment Confirmed
Your appointment has been confirmed!
See details below.
Your appointment is rescheduled!
Your appointment has been rescheduled.
See details below.
Your appointment is completed!
Thank you for coming.
Appointment Cancelled
Your appointment has been cancelled.
See details below.
No Show
Your appointment has been cancelled as you were unable to show up for the appointment.
Your appointment is completed!
Thank you for giving your feedback!
{{'dd MMM yyyy')}}
{{'hh:mm')}} -
{{'hh:mm A')}}
{{}} minutes
{{' ', '.', ',', 0)}}
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